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Download the 'AgriFoodTech in the Middle East & Wider Region' Ecosystem Report 2022

Developed in partnership with NEOM,  this report provides a thorough analysis of the Middle East & Wider Region investment landscape.

In this report, we covered:

  • An overview of key actors in the space, a regional AgriFoodTech ecosystem map with a focus on the Gulf, Near East, and North Africa
  • Key numbers, major strains in the regional food system
  • Goals and Ambitions of the Region
  • Strengths and Opportunities 
  • Investments in the ecosystem, main investors, and exit timelines 
  • Interviews with key local stakeholders in the industry.
  • Trending AgriFoodTech Startups
  • Accelerators, Incubators, and Ecosystem Enablers

Data for this report has been sourced from our proprietary FoodTech Data Navigator database. 

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AgriFoodTech in the Middle East & Wider Region 2022 report