2022 FT500 - Logos  (17)

Download the Official
2022 FoodTech 500 White-paper

For the 2022 edition, we received over 2,100 entries from 66 countries. Thus, choosing only 500 companies out of many great applications was a big feat!

The FoodTech 500’s mission is to shine a spotlight on the
leading global innovators across the AgriFoodTech
ecosystem, from farm to fork. These entrepreneurs and the
companies they have founded are creating impactful
solutions to better the global food system.

2022 marked the fourth edition of the competition and
was the perfect time to adapt our list to the significant
changes that are happening in the world of FoodTech with
the introduction of the $100 Million Club.

Download the white paper to learn more.

A4 White Paper FoodTech 500 2022 (2)